In 1992 someone in Vancouver started posting graphic letters about having sex with children at bus stops. I never heard anything about this until it was printed in the paper in February of 2005 with a copy of this letter below.
Coincidentally the letter happens to describe my child's abuse which occured between the age of 21 months to 8 years, and began in 1992. Access to my child was through "Babysitting", for the most part as the police say he had described in other letters.
I have gone through dozens of letters written by Zodiac, the letter below, as well as the small samples of Henning's handwriting that I have in my posession, and made comparisons that appear to show common similarities in the writing.
Also note the use of underlines, exclamations, and quotations, that Zodiac often used.
I'm not a professional analizer of handwriting, but I am an artist and believe the letters are written by the same person.
ReplyDeleteGreat work you have done.
Thank you for your support. Please pass the word on. I need people to see this and believe. This is what I have been trying to say.... I recognized the writing in 2007 movie and that is when I started the research, because I already believed him to be a killer... so much more to this story than posted, but the cops don't listen.
ReplyDeleteSomething I don't understand.
ReplyDeleteIs this Henning person someone who you were intimately involved with? Has your daughter positively identified him as the man who abused her? Do you have reason to believe he is still alive today?
By declaring all this information in such a public forum, are you not afraid for your safety?
Don't get me wrong - I applaud you for the work you have done. You are very thorough. I'm just uncertain what your objective is.
Also, as far as I know he is still alive. He contacted me not long ago on Facebook with a `
ReplyDelete``Friend Request``, so obviously he has been following what I am up to.
Originally I accepted the request, to see if he would message me or what was in his profile... To see what the heck was he up to... within hours of not getting any kind of response, and seeing there was nothing to add as a clue in his profile, I rejected the friend request, and further rejected the second request he sent to me and locked down my profile.
Unless he has passed away in the past few months, he IS still alive.
Henning is a man whom I met in my foster home when I was 16 years old. He was at the home nearly every day. When I moved out of the foster home to live on my own during my last year of high school, Henning became like a father to me and was the only support system that I had in life. Years later when I had a baby with an abusive man Henning would often come to my rescue and eventually help me to leave my abuser permanently.
ReplyDeleteThis over time gave him a lot of access to my child, and she would name him as her abuser after 6 years of abuse. Unfortunately there wasn't any physical evidence. For example I wouldn't know for months later that he anally raped her, keeping her hymen intact, and the doctor said the anus heals very quickly so there was no evidence to record. He always bathed her and washed her clothes, formatted the hard drive on his computer repeatedly, and kept a secret compartment underneath his bathroom floor. For some reason I forgot to tell the police about the compartment... it was a very difficult time for me.
Now years later I am ready to resume the fight. My objective is justice not only for my child, but to hopefully bring at minimum some answsers and peace to family memeber of missing/murdered loved ones here in BC over the past 40 years.
As for my safety concerns I cannot really comment on that publically. All I can say is that I realize that he will be reading all of this, but he is far too clever to be so obvious.... He has gotten away with his crimes for many years and has obviously been successful at laying low... That is how he goes undetected.
friend request might have been a prank by someone who read your postings on here
ReplyDeleteJeremy Klassen I called the RCMP today, so please cease any communications with me. They are calling me back tomorrow night for an update.
ReplyDeleteI welcome the chat with them!
ReplyDeletePlease call the RCMP yourself then at 250-567-2222 and tell them who you are and ask for the investigating officer.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Europe.
ReplyDeleteHow is this case going today?
Hello viewer from Europe!! I am still plugging away writing the book. I have taken a lot of action writing letters, participating in our missing women's memorial walks, seeking support from other advocates, but I have been unable to get the RCMP to take my story seriously. It takes a lot out of me to try to dredge up all the dark details of this story to write the book and it has been a long time in the works, but I won't give up.
ReplyDeleteIt is my hope that perhaps after I can finish the book and have it published, that once all the details are out that I can perhaps get some kind of support from law enforcement. I was never able to finance the forensic work that I had hoped to achieve, but I still retain possible evidence and hope that somehow, someday I will get DNA testing, cadaver dog, etc to perhaps find some kind of tangible evidence in this case.
Any new news? And how is the book going? I am praying for good news!!! Cheers from NB, Canada. xo.
ReplyDeleteHi Nikki from NB!! The book has been delayed because I had an accident and I am still in recovery. I haven't forgotten about the project though and I hope the best for my health and to return to the project in the near future. How ever long it takes, I will not give up!!
DeleteThis sounds like a con for money to produce a none existent book. There are significant flourishes that exist in the Zodiac's writing that dosen't in the other. The profiles do not match. The Zodiac never hurried and would never leave a letter written in haste and so sloppy. His need to be in control would never allow him to leave such a substandard note. Secondly, the crimes are committed by two completely different personality disorders. The Zodiac has a narcissistic personality disorder. The murders me nothing and are only a means to obtain is main goal. Proving that he was smarter and better then everyone else. Your child rapist goes against everything this man believes. He would never lower himself to such a degrading and disgusting status of that of a pedophile whow can have different person a little disorders and cognitive impairment. A majority of pedophiles have a lower IQ contrary to the Zodiac. If who you know what this henning looks like then why don't you show a picture of him and the composite of the Zodiac side by side. Sorry your theories contradict each other.
ReplyDeleteWe are all entitled to our opinions and you are certainly welcome to yours, however, I have never had a ploy to con anyone for money, and that is NOT what this story is about. I do have side by side images of this man on my blog including the older composite and the new age progressed composite done in 2009 if you actually reviewed my blog. Funny how Arther Leigh Allen was suspected of being a pedophile, yet he was one of the strongest suspects they had still to this day. I am certainly no Zodiac expert, and I only accidentally stumbled across circumstantial coincidences that pointed this man at being a suspect and not all of it is on my blog. This man toyed with me using Zodiac phrasing and idealisms in cards he gave me and things he said to me, but I didn't realize it at the time because I didn't really know anything about Zodiac back when he was doing it... like writing "Happy Christmass", spelled just like that in a card he gave me and saying the Exorcist was a comedy when I said it was my favourite horror movie, stuff like that. I have never said the man is Zodiac, only that there is some odd coincidences and that at minimum this man is likely a killer who idolized Zodiac if you actually read the content of my blog. The book has been on hold for many years because I had an accident that has disabled me.
ReplyDeleteAnd they were never able to exclude Allen in 2002 by DNA tests. A strong suspect had to be more then circumstancial evidence. Typewriter, zodiac watch, and he lived in Vallejo. Also Allen's doesn't remotely match the composite sketch. You've maintained this blog attempting to link Henning and The Bus stop with the Zodiac. Quite like what people said about Allen. I'm just saying it's flawed and not remotely close. In the 60 and 70 they weren't even remotely educated enough on psychological profiling as they are today. It would have beenough common to link any felon to the Zodiac. But if you look at the cognitive capacity of pedophiles vs narcissistic serial killers there is significant IQ gap ad well as their impairments that drive them to these acts. Right a book all you want or dont. Stephen Hawkins is disable and still writing. You manage to type things on here. So you can still work. Just saying it's a huge reach and will be picked apart and discredited
ReplyDeleteI have not maintained the blog since my accident as I am unable to sit for very long at the computer anymore. I finally posted something telling the public that I had an accident as I was receiving personal emails from people wondering what happened to me and when the book was coming out. My book is not about Zodiac it is the story about what happened to my child and the injustices she suffered due to RCMP negligence and our missing women. This blog shares some interesting circumstantial evidence that relates to Zodiac, but how much I share in the book I haven't determined and it likely won't contain much about Zodiac as this is not really another Zodiac story like I said. It is a story about an EVIL man who I said right from the beginning was not a pedophile, but an evil man who used my child as his muse in between kills. Henning was an extremely intelligent, and organized man with a genius IQ and I absolutely believe he was a killer. My child was just easy access for him to have some thrills with while he bound and tortured her in between his kills and likely used her as a lure to ease victims into getting in the vehicle with him. The book is to bring awareness to these types of predators and to shed light on the RCMP's negligence surrounding this case and our missing women. We already had a missing women inquiry that was laughable and I think Henning may have worked with Robert Pickton as he only lived less than 3 miles from that farm and very well may have met him at one of the local strip bars in the area. I am not able to sit long enough to continue updating the blog or write a book at this time and I have difficulties with my cognitive function at well at times, but I hope that one day I will have the ability carry on my fight for justice and to bring awareness to our missing women.