I never thought that Henning was the Zodiac Killer until I watched the movie in 2007 and recognized the handwriting. I knew Henning for 16 years before my daughter disclosed her rape and torture by this man, and I know how he writes.
Because my daughter had been drawing pictures of skinned female genetalia that she saw him eat, and told me very graphic details of murder scenes, I already believed that he was a serial killer responsible for many of the missing Vancouver, Eastside women, and later would believe he was also one of the killers claiming victims from the Highway of Tears.
When I saw the handwriting in the Zodiac movie, I started researching Zodiac, as I really didn't know much about him, and I found other very strange coincidences, and still continue to gather information which I will continue to share...
Zodiac's Writing below
Henning's writing above combining single letters ("C" is from bus stop letter)
Zodiac's Writing (Similar style in letter sequence)
The writing images and comparisons show clearly, the writings are in fact DIFFERENT and not the same. The flow of the letters is completely different. For example look at the way Henning wrote the letter "e" look at the way Henning curves his "a" moreso than Zodiac. The "g" is completely different. sorry but the writing is not the same.
ReplyDeleteTo each their own opinion... I personally write many different ways over time.
Sorry.... I don't mean to sound rude. I just get frustrated sometimes with those who haven't followed the whole story, but then comment on what they think I am saying. I have never said that this guy is whithout a doub the Zodiac Killer. I am merely pointing out a lot of strange coincidences. I started my research after recognizing the writing in the 2007 movie. That is not to say I am a handwriting expert, but that I recognized that same style... the slant and messy writing, just like you recognize someone's voice, or the way they walk... a generalization. When I started doing research I kept finding more and more strange coincidences, much of it isn't even on my blog. This guy most certainly knew a lot about Zodiac and admired him. He toyed with me using Zodiac phrasing, idealism and even spelling words the same way, but at the time I had no idea.
ReplyDeleteI do however believe without a doubt the man is a killer and he has killed for many years and is responsible for a lot of BC missing women and perhaps even men, and that this killer admired Zodiac and even modeled himself after him in many ways. That will all be shown in my book, but really this story originates with the rape and torture of my child and how my pursuit of justice uncovered details that points this man to being a killer.
check out Rick marshall's as well....... O R n seem to match
ReplyDeleteALA's hand is much closer, in fact its almost dead on. Frankly I dont know how he passed. Honestly, I dont see Henning matching Zodiac here. I have been looking at this case for quite some time as ALA was my fathers neighbor in Santa Rosa during my childhood. I have had a long time feeling that ALA did the crimes along with some other unsolved murders in the area. Not many people are aware that Arthur Allens trailer was less than a mile from a serial killers body dump site, coincidence? I have to stop short of jumping to conclusions but am pretty confident that ALA was Z and was also responsible for crimes which Z never openly claimed. I believe he didnt claim these crimes because they were rape/ murders of young girls (See the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker murders) and I think Z wanted some respect. The dark part of me thinks he murdered others to cover up for his filthy deviance.... ALA was a known deviant who lived within one mile of a deviant killers dump site. I really think the case should be looked into again while trying to tie Z to the SR murders... there were some reference to slaves and paradise at these killings as well, its too coincidental to not be ALA IMO.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I always welcome different point of views here!
ReplyDeleteI really don't know whether Henning is Zodiac or not, however if he isn't he certainly knew a lot about him, admired him and perhaps even modeled himself after him.... there were just a lot of really weird coincidences that I stumbled across while researching BC's missing women...
As for ALA, personally I exclude him as a suspect because his DNA did not match... now there could be legitimate reasoning behind that, but I am a real forensics buff and so that is my personal take on it, however I would do nothing to discourage your personal views and appreciate you sharing here!
A mystery until the end it will probably be...
As a forensic handwriting expert of 27 years, award winning author of 20 books, and much more... this is NOT the same writing but have fun researching.
ReplyDeleteAnd... neither is Allen's writing the same. May he rest in peace.
DeleteThank you for your input Treyce. It is nice to have an expert opinion. It is unfortunate that I had very little in the way of samples to make any comparisons, as I understand that experts want a minimum of 250 words from a single sample to make a true analysis.
ReplyDeleteI am just saying that I never thought anything about Henning being Zodiac until I saw the 2007 movie with the sample and immediately my response was "That is just how Henning writes!!" Now that doesn't mean that forensically speaking that it is a match, but there are certainly similarities that are rather creepy.
Also I want to note that some of the samples I provided were to show how the suspect could have switched hands and thus the slants in opposite directions, but much the same style.
I only wish I could have had a whole letter written from him, but he always typed his letters to me. With only a few words written by him in my possession it is impossible for anyone to do a true analysis.
That being said Ron Rice who is a court appointed forensic examiner and handwriting expert has helped me with trying to prove my daughter was indeed abused by this man, but he apparently let the FBI know years ago who the real suspect is. Apparently there is a gag order, so he cannot share that information.... it is intriguing though!!
Thanks for sharing. May I ask what kind of books you write? You may PM me also if you like at zodiacnorth@live.ca
Heck, I write differently from day to day and depending on my mood or how hot or cold the weather is. The writing samples are indeed similar. They are similar enough to make him a POI. Take no notice of some of the disparaging comments posted by others on here. Some people will try to tell you they are experts when really they are not. There are a lot of armchair experts out there, especially when it comes to the Zodiac. Some have formed their own theories so are inclined to trod on anything else that is new to the case and doesn't mesh with their own theory. Best of luck in your quest for justice. Your suspect may not be the Zodiac, but at least you have been courageous enough to make all this information public.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your encouragement. It's nice to know there are people out there who actually get it... who understand a mothers plight for justice... who get that I stumbled across these creepy details about this guy that point him to being a killer and maybe even the Zodiac Killer. I am certainly no Zodiac expert, but I just found it weird how similar the handwriting was and then all these other things that started popping up about him.
ReplyDeleteOne thing for certain the guy is evil and a danger to the public and it would be negligent not to let people know about him. Hopefully it kept him away from other people's children and women were wiser to get into a vehicle if they hitchhiked when he was the driver.