Sunday, April 17, 2011

BC Serial Killer Suspect Matches Zodiac Composite with Added Beard

Look Closely at the Lines Around the Eyes, the shape of the Bottom Lip Through the Beard, and Forehead Lines. 

Holding the pics in hand show more clarity , but it is uncanny how they appear to match!

I have enlarged the side by side photo of Henning to the Zodiac Killer composite when you draw the same type of beard on the composite and part the hair to the side.  Zodiac indicated that he looked much different during regular life than when he was on the kill.

It is my theory that if Henning is Zodiac that he would have had a beard in regular life, shaving it to go on the kill, and adding the glasses which he didn't really wear.  The only glasses I saw him wear were the kind you get at the drug store that simply magnify, but not prescription.


  1. "I DO NOT CLAIM WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY THAT HE IS ZODIAC! I SHARE THIS INFORMATION AS AN INTERESTING NEW APPROACH TO WHO ZODIAC COULD BE. I DO BELIEVE WITH 100% CERTAINTY THAT HE IS A KILLER IN CANADA AND I HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF INFORMATION AND POSSIBLE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE THAT LEADS ME TO BELIEVE THAT." Why condemn him then, he could be who you say .But if you say someones done these sick crimes then give the evidence to the police so he can suffer for it.Or make this guy suffer for what hes done to you and the people you have seen suffer.

  2. Thank you for your comment. My answer was too long to post is and can be found on my blog at

    Under the heading:

    Answer to Viewer Question "Why not go to Police?"
