Friday, April 29, 2011

Zodiac & BC Serial Killer Suspect BOTH use Encircling of Words in Taunting Cards

On October 27, 1969 Zodiac mailed a Halloween Card to Paul Avery at the San Francisco Chronicle.  The stickers below were included inside the card.

Note how the sticker on the right is encircled in red scribble-like marks, putting emphasis on the phrase. I believe this is printed on by the manufactuerer as the patterning in the lines is consistant.

Now look at the Birthday card to my daughter below this sticker that shows Henning encircling with red ink around the word "Special", putting emphasis on the word.  In addition the words in the card are actually relative to the crimes he is commiting against my child, by referring to her as being "Special and Sweet from your head to your toes," typical of Zodiac's style when sending cards to taunt.

Is this just coincidence, a copycat who admired Zodiac, or Zodiac himself?

This is not the only card that I received with taunting like phrasing in it, unbeknowst to me.  In fact about 20 years ago Henning gave me a Christmas card that said "Happy Christmass", spelled just that way.  I said "That is not how you spell Christmas, it only has one s at the end and you say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year."  Those were my exact words to him, and Henning just shrugged it off.  Now this is an extremely intelligent man described as having brilliance.  There is no way he didn't know how to spell Christmas.  So why did he do that????  I believe either because he is indeed Zodiac, or someone who admired Zodiac, and modeled himself after him, and killing people in BC.

Unfortunately I do not still have that card.  Henning gave it to me while I was at his apartment and I must have left it there.  I am willing to take a polygraph to prove this is true if necessary, and in fact if I can save the $600 required for a polygraph I will hire a firm to give me one to prove that the stories I portray are 100% true.  If any polygraph examiners are local to Vancouver, BC and willing to donate their services to ask me multiple questions on a ton of scary details I have about this guy (many not published), then that may help to solve BC murders.





  1. Melody did you have to cut something out of the card the first side looks shorter than the second side ?

  2. No, it's just the design of the card.

  3. Wow there are so many coincidences that really make me think you may be on to something here
