Vancouver Musician Mike Burnard's song "Born to be an Angel", dedicated to the Missing Women in British Columbia and Families of the Missing everywhere.
Mike is the singer/songwriter who is currently working on an official music video which will portray the victimisation that drinking and driving causes. My beautiful granddaughter Evelynne will be in the official music video.
Please support Mike's song that will touch anyone who has lost a loved one, no matter how they were lost.
Please also show that you are one of the MILLIONS of hearts in the world who are thinking about missing persons. Whether you are an advocate, have or know someone who has a lost loved one. Please show your support by watching this video with a poem I wrote for the missing women in British Columbia, paired with the beautiful and touching music of Mike Burnard.
I have worked so very hard to bring awareness re our missing women. Please show your support by LIKING AND SHARING THIS VIDEO.
The Missing Still Have a Name....
This story is about a man who sodomized & tortured my child at the Pickton Pig Farm. My daughter revealed graphic murder scenes and I have come to realize that her abuse was NOT a One-Off, but a Sophisticated Organization preying on our Aboriginal Women and Girls and the Government abduction of our Aboriginal children to put into sex-trafficking and Horror Porn/Snuff Films in a multi-Billion Dollar Industry. Circumstantial evidence may also reveal the identity of the Zodiac Killer.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Anthony Iantosca, Another Forensic Examiner from the US Donates Services!
Thank you Tony for donating your services in the name of justice for my little girl. Another amazing gift from US experts who have stepped up to the plate in the name of justice!
Anthony Iantosca, Forensic Examiner in the US brings his expertise to my case to analyze the audio of my child describing murders and more details about her abuse.
Mr. Iantosca, BCFE is a Board Certified Forensic Examiner / Profiler. A Diplomat of the American Board of Forensic Examiners and National Co-Chairman of the International Academy of Forensic Examiners and Investigators.
A Certified Handwriting Examiner who performs civil, criminal and forensic handwriting examination and threat assessment/analysis of documents involving forgery, harassment and fraud for Attorneys and the Private Sector.
Mr. Iantosca, BCFE is a Board Certified Forensic Handwriting Examiner with sixteen years experience, assessing the personality and their potential for violent and aggressive behavior. Threat assessment/analysis of documents involving homicide, attempted kidnapping, anonymous letters, stalking and drugs are the services performed for Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Attorneys and the Private Sector.
An active member of the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence and the Asian Shelter and Advocacy Project (A.S.A.P.)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Ron Rice, Court Qualified Forensic Examiner & Profiler Takes on Case!
Ron Rice Steps Up in the Name of Justice for My Little Girl!!!
Thank You Ron for Your Amazing and Generous Gift.
As Posted on Ron's Website:
Ron Rice is a Nationally Recognized Court Qualified/Appointed Forensic Examiner and Profiler of the Authors of Questioned, Anonymous, Threatening, Terrorist, Sexual, Ethnic, Religious Harassment and/or Forged Handwriting/Hand Printing Documents
*(Ron Rice is President of Checkmate Forensic Services, Inc.,
d.b.a. Checkmate Forensic Handwriting Examiners
& d.b.a. New England Legal Investigations & d.b.a. WomenConfidentialWorld)
Thank You Ron for Your Amazing and Generous Gift.
As Posted on Ron's Website:
Ron Rice is a Nationally Recognized Court Qualified/Appointed Forensic Examiner and Profiler of the Authors of Questioned, Anonymous, Threatening, Terrorist, Sexual, Ethnic, Religious Harassment and/or Forged Handwriting/Hand Printing Documents
*(Ron Rice is President of Checkmate Forensic Services, Inc.,
d.b.a. Checkmate Forensic Handwriting Examiners
& d.b.a. New England Legal Investigations & d.b.a. WomenConfidentialWorld)
Ron Rice Has Been Court Qualified/Appointed (FL, SC, IL) To Perform Legal/Forensic Behavioral Profiles Through Written
Communication on Victims of Alleged Suicide and Defendants Indicted on Capital Murder.
Ron's Profiles Paralleled Profiles Performed by the Court Appointed Psychiatrists.
Two (2) Alleged Suicides Ron Performed Profiles on Were Proven to be Forgeries and, in Fact, Homicides (IL, Republic of the Philippines).
North East Office
124 Long Pond Road - Unit 6
Plymouth, MA 02360
Plymouth, MA 02360
Tel: (508) 746-2266 Fax: (508) 746-2265
South East Office
1425 Miller Blvd.
Fruitland Park, Florida 34731
Tel: (352) 435-7235 Fax: (352) 435-7236
e-mail: - ronricehandwriting@hotmail.comFor more in-depth information - please review Ron's other Forensic Handwriting Sites listed below.
NOTE: When reviewing WomenConfidentialWorld - Hit HOME and you will be instantly connected to Ron's Primary Site.
Google Ron Rice Handwriting for Access to Other Sites
Sunday, February 12, 2012
BC Cannibal Serial Killer Suspect Lives Less than Three Miles from Pickton Pig Farm
Please Give Your Support to Pay for Investigative Work & Forensics Re BC Missing Women
Fundraiser Launched at
Please Review my Campaign for Important Details and Consolidated Photos of Items that May Belong to Victims.
The BC Serial Killer Suspect Henning Lagies lives 2.6 miles from the Pickton Pig Farm, where Robert Pickton tortured, murdered and dismembered at least 26 Vancouver, Eastside prostitutes, and fed them to his pigs. Although I don't think that it would be Henning's "Style", to work with anybody else as this would create a "Risk Factor", that could expose him as being a killer, and I think he was too clever for that. However, Pickton did claim that that he was not the only person involved in the killings and that there would be more killings.
Back in the 80's there were a number of strip clubs in the area that Henning would frequent on a daily basis. I believe it is possible that he could have met Pickton at one of these clubs, and over time realized that they both had the same fetish for torturing and killing women. It was said that Pickton held parties at the farm and apparently there was a woman who had been there who felt uneasy and managed to leave. This woman said she was picked up in a small white car by an older man with white hair and beard in Surrey and brought to the farm. The description matches Henning's appearance and the car he drove.
A friend of my daughter's told me that my daughter told her that she had been to the pig farm. This story from her friend was relayed to me about 4 years ago when my daughter was 16 years old. The friend quoted "She told me she has seen murders and that she has been to the pig farm." I cannot say whether that is true or not. I know my daughter has experienced both physical and psychological torture from Henning, and that somehow she has been exposed to extreme violence. Whether she has been present at murder scenes or perhaps has been exposed to graphic snuff movies, I cannot say. I can say that the details she gives seem far to precise and graphic to be portrayed even after viewing the most grotesque snuff movie.
Regardless of whether there is a link between Henning and Robert Pickton, one thing for certain is that there indeed can be serial killers who torture and dismembers his victims, living right in your own back yard!!! So why are both my child and I treated like we are the one's who are nuts when we try to relay this story to the RCMP? History would show us that these killers do exist and often these killers are people you would least expect to be commiting such crimes.... Ted Bundy a charming lawyer, Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy a respected business man found with 33 bodies underneath his house, BTK who was married with children and a Reverened at his church, bound, tortured and killed for 33 years before being caught.... the list goes on.
I think the fact that the RCMP dismiss this man as a viable suspect is absolutely ridiculous. All it would take is ONE DAY out of their time to interview me, give me a polygraph and independant pschological examination to prove that I am not a liar, nor am I mentally ill. In addition to actually reading the two Children's Hospital Reports, and the Reports from the Play Therapist hired by the VPD confirming my child's abuse and apparent exposure to extreme violence. It would seem the RCMP just don't care.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Fundraising Campaign Launched to Raise Money to Complete Forensics Which May Finally Help us Find Justice!
Please Give Your Support
Fundraiser Launched at
Please Review my Campaign for Important Details and Consolidated Photos of Items that May Belong to Victims.
The Missing Women Inquiry began on October 11, 2011 to try and find answers as to why the VPD and the RCMP failed to work together and find an answer to why over 65 Vancouver women, and 18 women from the Highway of Tears have disappeared in British Columbia over the past 40 years. Unoficially there are more than 100 women missing in BC, but for some reason the police have failed to include all of these missing women on the official list of missing women from the Highway of Tears.
Questions that need to be answered include determing why so many women have disappeared over 4 decades without the police acknowledging this was happening, why the police failed to do anything with evidence and public tips that pointed Robert Picton as being one of the serial killers responsible for Vancouver missing women, and why the Vancouver Police and the RCMP have allowed conflict and ego stand in their way to work as a team to find answers and prevent more women from being murdered.
Both my child and I have suffered the ill effects of being dismisssed by the RCMP, mocked and made a joke of when reporting a violent crime against my child, and numerous details that point this man to being one of the serial killers responsible for these missing and murdered women over the past 40 years. What is more horrifying than the justice my child was denied is the fact that the RCMP's dismissal of the many valid details and possible physical evidence that may contain DNA of the suspect, victims or both, have lead to countless more women to be tortured and murdered over the past 12.5 years since I originally tried to bring this to the attention of the RCMP.
For years after my child disclosed her abuse in April of 1999, and eventually her revelations of extremely gruesome murder scenes and witnessing acts of cannibalism, I was unable to function and to continue my fight for justice. In January of 2010 I had rebuilt my life and resumed my fight which lead me to accidentally stumbling across details that point this man to not only being the BC serial killer, but also the Zodiac Killer, simply killing equal distances on both sides of the border and in areas where he had family. It is a lot to explain and there are supporting details on my blog and MANY more details that will be revealed in my book. It is far too much to explain in this format.
Regardless of how hard I have pushed to get the RCMP to take me seriously, I have been continually dismissed despite the fact that I have hospital reports that support my child's abuse and her revelations of murder and cannibalsm, themes of dismemberment in her play therapy, etc. I have a lot of information to share and I will NEVER give up my fight for justice. I will fight with every fibre of my being to get my story out the world and to hold the RCMP accountable for their negligence. It is my hope that my journey will one day bring answers, and some kind of peace and justice to so many families of missing and murdered women in British Columbia, and in turn that may also help to solve the identity of the Zodiac Killer himself.
I have launched my fundraising campaing at where anyone can send in a donation to help me finance this project. I have been contributing my own money for the book project and the forensics, but it is just impossible for me to do it all by myself. I ask you to please help support this cause and send in your pledge once I have set up my project. I will require $3000 to complete the book, and $10,000 + to complete the forensics so that I will have documentation of DNA profiling, etc and be able to prevent the RCMP from covering up this evidence. I cannot say what all will completed by the private investigator as this must remain confidential to be sucessful.
Together we can and will make a difference...
Vancouver Missing Women
Highway of Tears
Stabbed and Handcuffed Victim Escapes Robert Picton Pig Farm, and Shares Same Emergency Room as Picton..... Coquitlam RCMP Dismiss her Allegations Because she Was a Drug Addicted Prostitute. Just ONE of the Dispicable Acts of Negligence by the RCMP.
Missing Women Inquiry Starts with 14 Lawyers Representing the Police and Only 1 Lawyer Representing Families of Victims.... Critics Call the Inquiry a Sham and a Travesty of Justice.
The Zodiac Killer Previous Suspects Eliminated or Unproven. BC Killer Emerges as New Zodiac Suspect. Zodiac's reign of terror comes to an end as Killings North of the US border begin.
BC man matches composites of Zodiac, both young and aged progressed versions when hair is parted to the side and beard added. Glasses were likely only part of his disguise. Handwriting also appears to match BC Suspect, and eye witness account of car associated with Zodiac may match the composite of Highway of Tears Killer in the early 70's. Comparison of Composites to BC Suspect, Handwriting and Much More Found on this blog.
Watch The Zodiac Killer in Entertainment | View More Free Videos Online at
Is This the Zodiac Killer? You Can Help Find Out by Contributing to my Project, Read my Book and Judge for Yourself. Perhaps this Will Open the Eyes of the Authorities and Handwriting, DNA, and Fingerprints can be Compared to Determine if This Man is the Zodiac Killer.
More Comparisons on This Blog....
Thursday, January 12, 2012
NEW Discovery Could Reveal Zodiac's Name & Location in British Columbia, Canada!
Please Give Your Support to Pay for Investigative Work & Forensics Re BC Missing Women
Fundraiser Launched at
Please Review my Campaign for Important Details and Consolidated Photos of Items that May Belong to Victims.
Thanks to "G", who left numerous anonymous tips in the comments section under my post "Zodiac's my name is cipher solved?", there appears to be further evidence that Zodiac was living in British Columbia, Canada, and left clues to indicate so. I would also like to thank MK-Zodiac for his work that I have used in the theories stated here, as well as "The Hidden", from for his introduction of the Runic alphabet which I also use in my collaborative work to create the theories below.
I continue to develop theories here, so check back for updates!
It is important to note that the suspect Henning Lagies is of North German Ancestry and there is an association with "Old Norse".
TOP: Original composite of the Zodiac Killer with hair parted to the side and added beard, compared to the BC, Canada suspect Henning Lagies, also suspected as being the BC Serial Killer responsible for many missing/murdered women here for the past 40 years.
BOTTOM: Age progressed composite of Zodiac done in 2009, compared to the portrait with glasses removed, hair parted and beard added.... strongly resembles BC Serial Killer suspect Henning Lagies.
I have bold typed words that are important in this post.
First of all let's show that in British Columbia (BC), there is a "Zodiac Mountain" in the Cariboo region of BC and a "Mt. Diablo" located in Valhalla Provincial Park, BC. The suspect Henning Lagies has been associated co-residences in both the Vancouver area, and 100 Mile House, but Henning told me the location of his house in the interior was technically more of a 108 Mile Ranch address.
If we map the locations via satellite imaging we see markers that will create a triangle if we draw lines through them. Due to the location of Zodiac Mountain and Mt. Diablo there are not any charted roads to these locations, thus google maps cannot chart the directions with the blue line either (there are likely numerous logging roads through out BC and these areas).
KEY: A = 108 Mile Ranch (100 Mile House), B = Zodiac Mountain, C = Mt. Diablo, D = Vancouver. All the said locations are in British Columbia.
View Larger Map
If we view the map and connect the marker locations from BC to Mt. Diablo in California we see a triangular shape similar to the triangular shape of some of Zodic's crime scenes in the Bay area. Now this may completely irrelevant to the BC link, but I thought it to be interesting how similar the triangles are if you were to fill in the area on the BC map down to San Francisco, CA....
View Larger Map
Map Showing Locations of 4 Zodiac Crime Scenes
Now let's look at the letter the San Francisco Chronicle received in June 1970 from Zodiac with clues leading to the location of a bomb Zodiac claimed to have hidden. With that letter was a map that Zodiac had drawn on with instructions to put the compass on top of Mt. Diablo, CA and set "0" to Magnetic North. The numbers at the other points of the compass are East = 3, South = 6 and West = 9.
The letter and map are below:
Magnetic North will not be straight ahead like "True North", but will deviate to the East by 14 degrees. The figure below represents True North where the star is, Grid North (GN) and Magnetic North (MN).
Mt. Diablo, CA to Mt. Diablo, BC
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Mt. Diablo, BC in relation to Satan Peak, BC
KEY: A = Mt. Diablo, B = Satan Peak (British Columbia)
View Larger Map
In this same mountain range we also find "Devil's Dome", "Devil's Couch", "Devil's Spire", and "Lucifer Peak".
KEY: A = Mt. Diablo, B = Satan Peak, C = Devil's Spire, D = Devil's Couch, E = Devil's Dome, F = Lucifer Peak
View Larger Map
Now if we take the numbers that Zodiac wrote on the map "0,3,6,9", there are a couple things that we can do with this that may be clues. First let's remove the "0" because it's value doesn't add or subtract from the numbers. If we look at "The number of the Beast", which is "666", we can recreate this number by simply taking 3 away from the 9 on the compass and adding it to the 3 on the compass, leaving us with a six at each point in addition to the 6 that was already there. Now we have the numbers "666", the Devil's number.
If we take into account pointing the compass Magnetic North from Mt. Diablo, CA we would land pretty darn close to Mt. Diablo, BC which also means Devil and is surrounded by Satan Peak, Devil's Range (does not show on Satellite image), Devil's Spire, Devil's Couch and Devil's Dome.
The other thing we can do with these numbers is read them in reverse as 9,6,3 and subtract the number of miles from Mt. Diablo, CA to Mt. Diablo, BC we have the equation 963-855 = 108 which may be a clue to where the suspect Henning Lagies would later build a home in 108 Mile Ranch, BC.
Now let's get a visual on "Zodaic Mountain", BC
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Zodiac Mountain in Relation to Mt. Diablo, BC and 108 Mile Ranch an Area Where the Suspect Henning Lagies co-owned a home that was secondary to his Vancouver residence. The map to all 4 BC Locations create a triangle with Zodiac Mountain being at the top of the triangle. This may represent a mountian and point to the Peak of Zodiac Mountain.
View Larger Map
Mt. Diablo, Ca to Zodiac Mountain, BC to Mt. Diablo, BC creates another triangle. It would be interesting to measure the true angles in these various maps to see exactly where we stand in relation to the original clue Zodiac left.....
It would seem that Magnetic North from atop Mt. Diablo, CA would lead to this defined area in BC.... where exactly we land would need to be determined by using a hardcopy map, ruler and protractor, unless anyone else out there knows how to determine the angles on the internet or can perform the mechanical calculations.... I welcome anyone to submit their theories. TOGETHER we may actually find some resolutions to the mystery of Zodiac!
View Larger Map
But wait, we are not done yet!
As pointed out by "G", who left a number of theories relating to Zodiac being from British Columbia, there are other clues to investigate.
Now let's take the Halloween card that Zodiac sent......
Here is a copy of the front cover to the right, and the back cover to the left that Zodiac wrote on. The pumpkin on the front cover is not part of the retail card, but was attached by Zodiac to the skeleton on the front. Note that the shape of the skeleton's arms resemble a "Z", possibly standing for "Zodiac"
Here is a Picture of the inside of the card. Zodiac cut out the picture of this skeleton from another card and pasted inside this card. Note that the skeleton's arms resemble the shape of the"Peak" like drawing at the bottom of the card.... Perhpas the apparent "Z" the skeleton's arms make on the front of the card and the apparent "Mountain Peak" shapes in the formation of an "M" represents "Zodiac Mountain".
The phrase "I feel it in my bones you ache to know my name, so I will clue you in.", means he has left a clue on the card as to his identity and that clue is left inside the card. The symbol below actually reveals his name and location in plain sight, if Zodiac is indeed the suspect Henning Lagies.
To determine Zodiac's name we must look at the Runic alphabet. I would like to thank "G", for directing me to this link
I would also like to thank the person on that site with the identity of "The Hidden" , who submitted the clues on that message board regarding the Runic alphabet. It is with the help of these two individuals that I may have made sense out of the clues left on the Halloween card.
So let's look at the two symbols below that appear on the Halloween card:
Follow this link to find out interesting details about the Runic script that could assist in decoding Zodiac's ciphers
The runic alphabets are a set of related alphabets using letters known as runes to write various Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet and for specialized purposes thereafter. The Scandinavian variants are also known as futhark (or fuþark, derived from their first six letters of the alphabet: F, U, Þ, A, R, and K); the Anglo-Saxon variant is futhorc (due to sound changes undergone in Old English by the same six letters). Runology is the study of the runic alphabets, runic inscriptions, runestones, and their history. Runology forms a specialized branch of Germanic linguistics.
(note that in Zodiac's drawing the symbol for Laguz is reversed and the meaning of Laguz reversed fits several aspects of his psychological profile).
(Odin and the Runic alphabet are referenced in Norse Mythology - Links to this are near the end of this post).
Now I would like to thank MK-Zodiac for his work here which lead me to more clues as to the identity and location of the Zodiac Killer, again that is if Henning Lagies the suspect is indeed the Zodiac Killer.
MK-Zodiac has noted that Zodiac played games and purposely mispelled words as a form of game that Zodiac was playing, and has made some interesting discoveries that play into my theory. In particular I would like to point out the following in MK-Zodiac's work:
The word "lav", backwards is "val".
The word "val" is and Old Norse word meaning "slaughter", or "slay", or "kill".
The word "val" is related to the Old Norse word "valr" meaning "the dead", or "the slain", or "Corpses on the battlefield".
Also the word "val" is the root word of "Vallhalla" which is an Old Norse word meaning "hall of the slain".
We can see that the letters "Lav", are underlined by Zodiac on the Halloween card envelope and if we reverse the letters they read "val", which is where the work of MK-Zodiac comes into play.
Here is a picture of the envelope that Zodiac mailed the Halloween card in. Note that the symbol that Zodiac drew is in the return address location, further indicating that this symbol reveals his name (as pointed out by "G").
First let's look at the fact that "Mt. Diablo, BC" is located in "Vallahalla Provincial Park". According to MK-Zodiac "Lav" backwards is "Val" and is the root word of "Vallhalla", which is another play on words for "Vallahalla", a provincial park in British Columbia where "Mt. Diablo, BC" is located.
Another clue that I found in MK-Zodiac's work is "Val" being an Old Norse word for "Corpses on the Battlefield".
Now let's take into consideration that my suspect Henniing Lagies is of "German", ancestry and he grew up in Germany in the city of "Kiel" in "North Germany", during WWII under Hitler's power. I have previously noted that Zodiac referenced a language associated with a "North Germanic", language, that being Old Norse.
This clue could point to Zodiac being of North German ancestry and having witnessed "Corpses on the battlefield". Henning Lagies is indeed of North German ancestry and has witnessed corpses on the battlefield. In fact Henning told me that they used to "Kick around skulls for fun", shows how he may have developed and insensetivity and perhaps even a fascination with death. The fact that he grew up under Hitler's power could also point to him not only being fascinated with death, but torture of his victims as well which comes into play regarding the murder stories my child told me.
Let's also take into consideration that the Runic alphabet is a "Germanic", alphabet that was used before the "Latin", alphabet was formed.
Now let's look at the two symbols from the Runic alphabet that appear on the Halloween card envelope:
If we take into consideration Zodiac's play on words we can see the name "Lagies", pronounced Law-geeze (G as in God), clear as day.
If we also take into consideration my personal relationship with Henning that allows me to quote that he often referenced Greek and Latin in his speaking (previously noted on my blog), we could hypothesize the following out of the symbol based on the discovery of geographical location in BC that may be clues:
"Lagies God of Zodiac Mountain"
This is based on Greek Mythology where the God's were God of various things, such as "Hercules, God of Mt. Olympus".
If we look again at the symbol that Zodiac drew on the Halloween card envelope we can see that it looks like "Mountain Peaks". If we take into consideration Zodiac's play on words and take the phrase "This is the Zodiac Speaking", we can derive the phrase "Zodiac's Peak" (as pointed out by "G" in his anonymous comments on my blog, and also shown in the work of MK-Zodiac).
The drawing by Zodiac Below appears to show mountain peaks with a "Z" below it which may reference "Zodiac Mountain, BC". The apparent Runic alphabet that when included in the context of all the clues, can be interepreted "God" and "Laguz", may actually represent "Lagies, God of Zodiac Mountain".
We also see reference to "God", on the stamp that Zodiac chose to put on the envelope:
So what do the 4 dots on Zodiac's drawing represent? My theory is "The Little Dipper". The Little Dipper contains "Polaris", also known as the "North Star". We can see that the star locations for the "Cup", like portion on both the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper look very similar to the dots that Zodiac included in his clue. We could also take into account the two apparent letters from teh Runic alphabet that is in the drawing, also representing the handles of the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper which can be seen together in the Northern sky.
Polaris (α UMi, α Ursae Minoris, Alpha Ursae Minoris, commonly North(ern) Star or Pole Star, also Lodestar) is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor. It is very close to the north celestial pole, making it the current northern pole star.
The Plough, also known as the Big Dipper or the Saptarishi (after the seven rishis), is an asterism of seven stars that has been recognized as a distinct grouping in many cultures from time immemorial. The component stars are the seven brightest of the formal constellation Ursa Major.
The Plough is significant because the North Star (Polaris), the current northern pole star on Earth, can be found using it. Polaris is part of the "Little Dipper", Ursa Minor.
As per the references above "Polaris", is very close to the "North Pole" which is the "Celestial Pole", which is "Magnetic North".
The north and south celestial poles are the two imaginary points in the sky where the Earth's axis of rotation, indefinitely extended, intersects the imaginary rotating sphere of stars called the celestial sphere. The north and south celestial poles appear directly overhead to an observer at the Earth's North Pole and South Pole respectively.
Another interesting thing we can do with the clue on the envelope in regards to the letters "lav", that are underlined is to do a little play to create the name "Lagies". Let's take into account that on the back of the Halloween card Zodiac has written clues in all capitals with the exception of the letter "i". Zodiac is drawing attention to this letter. My theory works two ways. One is to insert the "i" into the letter sequence of "laver", from the envelope which will be used to create the word "Lagies". The other shows that Zodiac is a narcicist by repeatedly pointing to himself, as in "I".
Play on "laver", to create the name "Lagies". Turn the "V" on it's side and add a tail to create "G", insert the "i", Zodiac points out on the back of the card, and add a tail onto the "r" to create "S".
This may not have any relevance, but I just found it interesting how easy it was to find the word "Lagies" with just a little bit of play on the letters on the envelope....
OK, now that we may have the drawing on the envelope figured out, let's go back to card and finish the interpretations there. As referenced by "G", he left comments on my blog referring to this card as "SCARI-BOO", card. This would fit well considering it is Halloween which is scary, and the fact that this card is sent by a killer is also scary. Inside the card it says "BOO!" , so now we have SCARI-BOO!...... "Cariboo". As "G" has pointed out if you take the exclamation mark and turn it upside down it resembles "1".... read as "100", or even "100" + "8" to read "108"..... the "B" in BOO if you add the same circles to the other side of the B it looks like and 8 (B 8).


Mile Ranch

Mile House

Now let's remember that Henning co-owned a home with a 100 Mile House address, but was technically in 108 Mile Ranch which was secondary to his primary address in the Vancouver, BC area. The location of that home was beside the "Cariboo Hwy", and 108 Mile Lake was apparently walking distance from his backyard.
Now let's take the apparent "Z" beside the drawing inside the card and rotate to read "N", for "North". The "Dot" above and to the East of "N" is "Magnetic North", which points somewhere in the area between Zodiac Mountain, 108 Mile Ranch, and Mt. Diablo, BC.

Magnetic North is
degrees East of True North
Now let's look at the back of the Halloween Card and we can form the initials H.L. for Henning Lagies by removing words in the appropriate locations as follows:
Now let's remember that Henning co-owned a home with a 100 Mile House address, but was technically in 108 Mile Ranch which was secondary to his primary address in the Vancouver, BC area. The location of that home was beside the "Cariboo Hwy", and 108 Mile Lake was apparently walking distance from his backyard.
Now let's take the apparent "Z" beside the drawing inside the card and rotate to read "N", for "North". The "Dot" above and to the East of "N" is "Magnetic North", which points somewhere in the area between Zodiac Mountain, 108 Mile Ranch, and Mt. Diablo, BC.
Magnetic North is
Now let's look at the back of the Halloween Card and we can form the initials H.L. for Henning Lagies by removing words in the appropriate locations as follows:
So what is the meaning of the words all together?
By Fire, By Knife, By Gun, By Rope may reference Norse Mythology regarding Human Sacrifice:
Human sacrifice
Thralls (slaves), could be sacrificed during a funeral so that they could serve their master in the next world.[2] In Ibn Fadlan's account above, there is a description of a slave girl who was to be sacrificed and who had to undergo several sexual rites.[8] When the chieftain had been put in the ship, she went from tent to tent where she visited warriors and traders.[8] Every man told her that they did what they did for their love to the dead chieftain.[8] Lastly, she entered a tent that had been raised on the ship, and in it six men had intercourse with her before she was strangled and stabbed.[8] The sexual rites with the slave girl show that she was considered to be a vessel for the transmission of life force to the deceased chieftain.[14]
It was common to burn the corpse and the grave offerings on a pyre, in which the temperature reached 1400 degrees Celsius—much higher than modern crematorium furnaces attain. All that would remain was some incinerated fragments of metal and some animal and human bones. The pyre was constructed so that the pillar of smoke would be as massive as possible in order to elevate the deceased to the afterlife.[17] The symbolism is described in the Ynglinga saga:[18]
Another possible relation to the Halloween Card"Thus he (Odin) established by law that all dead men should be burned, and their belongings laid with them upon the pile, and the ashes be cast into the sea or buried in the earth. Thus, said he, every one will come to Valhalla with the riches he had with him upon the pile; and he would also enjoy whatever he himself had buried in the earth. For men of consequence a mound should be raised to their memory, and for all other warriors who had been distinguished for manhood a standing stone; which custom remained long after Odin's time."
According to the above we would account for fire, knife and rope..... Gun would be included in the methods that Zodiac used to kill his victims and "Collecting of slaves for the afterlife".
PARADiCE = Paradise =
Valhalla : The Norse mythology equivalent of paradise.
Valhalla = Vallahalla = Mt. Diablo, BC in Vallahalla Provincial Park Canada
SLAVES = Human Sacrifice to Serve their Master in the Afterlife
Now of course I realize that this may all be coincidental, but it would certainly appear to be compelling when you take into account the circumstantial evidence here on my blog and you reference the work of MK-Zodiac, the tips left by "G" on my blog, and communication on message board between members that support some of this theory. It would seem to at least offer a logical theory as to how to interpret the clues that Zodiac left that are referenced here in this post.
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