I recently found an aged progressed composite of Zodiac. I don't have the best technical skills, but for the interim I have done my best to electronically remove the glasses off the new composite and draw on the beard by hand. I am working on finding a portrait artist to do the professional work.
Note the nose, eyes, lines in forhead, and ears are identical to the BC Serial Killer Suspect.... I knew this man for 16 Years, and the aged progressed composite without the glasses and hair drawn on correctly by a professional artist would make this composite identical to Henning..... for myself having his image etched forever in my mind, when I look at the composite with the beard drawn on and the hair parted to the side it is IDENTICAL in an UNCANNY way!
Not only does the composite match, but handwriting samples are also eerily similar, and there are many things he did in past to toy with me using Zodiac phrasings and idealisms, that I was completely unaware of at the time.... like giving me a Christmas card one year that said "Happy Christmass", spelled just like that..... and much more.
Zodiac Aged
Reference: http://www.forartist.com/
Below are Two Pics of Suspect About 52 Years of Age
Below are pictures of Henning at 64 years of age at my daughter's 8th Birthday Party, 5 weeks before she disclosed her abuse. I have cropped the pictures to focus on him. The smaller pictures of him are reflection of him in a mirror, but helps to give his profile.