Thursday, June 9, 2011

5th IN VANCOUVER VICTIM RESEMBLANCES: Teressa LouiseTariff Missing Since April 1993

Many of the photos that I post of resemblances to myself or other women Henning knew were taken on his camera and copies were given to me.  He would have copies of all these pictures and perhaps even viewed and stewed before going out and selecting a victim resembling one of us.

This is just a hypothesis, but I find it alarming how many Vancouver missing women resemble the women that have been in Henning's life..... there are more, and matching timelines to times he went out of town, times we were fighting very badly, or other significant events that may be relative to a victim resembling myself being selected.

Date of Birth: August 17, 1969
Date went missing: April 15, 1993
Age when missing: 23
Current age: 35
Height: 5'2" (157 cm.)
Weight: 111 lbs. (50 kg.)
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue 

Teressa Louise Tariff

Melody Wall (pic taken by Henning)

Melody Wall                          


  1. Have you reported this to the rcmp, and have you not thought about the affect that making this information public will/ has on your daughter. What is your motivation for this blog and I must question why this man was part of yours and your daughters life for so long? I am not insinuating that your responsibility as a mother was lacking or negligent, but what purpose or good does this do for YOUR DAUGHTER THE VICTIM... it is my serious hope that this blog is published under a pseudonym and not your real name and if not it is my belief that you are failing in protecting your daughter yet again as the wording of your blog leads me to believe that this man ( if he can be called that ) is still free and out there somewhere. Which puts your daughter in real danger as a witness who can testify against him.

  2. Yes I reported this to the RCMP and the investigating officer treated both my daughter and I like shit. The point of this blog is to bring public awareness and try to hold the RCMP accountable for their negligence. My daughter once said to me "It really messed me up that the cops didn't believe me."

    Before I started this blog or writing my book, letter to media, etc, I asked my daughter for her blessing and she said "Do what ever you need to do mom; it's ok with me." Those are her words...

    The man who did this is now 79 years old and likely not much of a threat. I also have never known where my daughter has been living for 10 years and I still don't. I doubt this man knows where she is when I don't. I do however hear from her occasionally.

    I hope that one day my daughter will get off drugs and fight to reclaim her life, and see that no matter what her mom ALWAYS believed her, and never gave up fighting for her justice.

    I have gone public with this story not only in attempts to find some cop out there who may read it and finally believe this story and do something about it, but to gain public support that may force an investigation... to continue my fight for my daughter's justice and for the justice of our missing/murdered women and their families.... I absolutely believe this man is a killer, and I will never give up my fight to be heard, to have my daughter believed and to find some kind of answers and justice.
