Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Apparent Hidden Clues in Birthday Cards, & Examples of Peculiar Thoughts and Phrasing

Henning put this birthday card to my daughter in his computer and printed his own words starting in the red ink below the first phrase.  Merbunnies and Snowmaids refers to Mermaids and Snow Bunnies with sections of the words interchanged.  The word "Are", inserted is his own writing. 

Example of "Peculiar", phrasing that was commonplace for Henning to use.  Zodiac also had a tendancy to write in a recognizeable fashion with phrasing and idealisms that were not typical speech.

Henning also referes to my daughter whom he has been molesting as a " Sweet little 8-year old lady".  This card was given to my daughter 5 weeks before she disclosed her abuse.


This is another birthday card Henning gave my daughter, probably for her 7th birthday.  Again considering this man has been molesting my child, the words picked out in the card are actually indictive in a hidden sort of way what he has been doing to her. 

Zodiac also liked to give cards that represented clues to who he was and his crimes.


Here is the letter that Henning gave me after an argument that we had. I can't remember the details, but it was about me pointing out to him that I was Jennifer's mother and decisions were mine...he was doing daycare for me in the day and while I was in school at night, and we had some kind of tiff. He didn't show up to pick my daughter up for daycare and I got in trouble at work because I couldn't come in.

Henning kept making weird phone calls to me, saying "Are you having a good time", over and over again. He then called my work and started saying a lot of weird things about me and my boss told me he was to never phone there again... just an example of how strange he could get.

Also note in the letter how references greek mythology, which he did quite often, he refers to my child as a femminist and sex kitten, and speaks of his "Scary little peculiarity". I have also put a square around the word "Shall", just below the hilighted phrasing about him saying my child is a sex kitten.

Henning ALWAYS used the word "Shall", he NEVER said "Will", it was always "Shall", just like Zodiac used repeatedly in his letters.

There are many other characteristics of Zodiac's phrasing that have Henning written all over it. I will work on compiling examples for that, but I just don't have the written documentation, but can make some references.


Investigating to determine if source is Henning's writing or impression of ink from one of my documents laid upon it while in storage....


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